Autopilot pre-requisites

Windows Autopilot configuration requirements - Link 

Before Windows Autopilot can be used, some configuration tasks are required to support the common Autopilot scenarios.

  • Configure Azure Active Directory automatic enrollment. For Microsoft Intune, see Enable Windows 10 automatic enrollment for details. If using a different MDM service, contact the vendor for the specific URLs or configuration needed for those services.
  • Configure Azure Active Directory custom branding. To display an organization-specific logon page, you must configure Azure Active Directory with the images and text that you want to be displayed. For more information, see Quickstart: Add company branding to your sign-in page in Azure AD. Key elements for Autopilot include the "square logo", "sign-in page text", and Azure Active Directory tenant name. The tenant name is configured separately in the Azure AD tenant properties.
  • Optional: To automatically step up from Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Enterprise, enable Windows Subscription Activation.

Specific scenarios will then have additional requirements. Generally, there are two specific tasks:



About the author -

Terry Munro is an IT specialist based in Brisbane, Australia.
He draws upon over 20 years experience designing and delivering technical solutions to a variety of enterprise clients in the private, Government and Education sectors, to revolutionise client businesses through collaboration and getting the most value from a variety of cloud solutions.
He is passionate about learning new technologies and is a firm believer in sharing knowledge to provide a better experience for all.
You can connect with Terry on LinkedIn -


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